Jeppe Bundsgaards hjemmeside
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ICILS 2018





Digital dannelse

It-didaktik i teori og praksis - elevpositioner og digitale kompetencer i et dannelsesperspektiv


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Kompetencer i dansk. Gyldendal 2009.


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Danskfagets it-didaktik. Gyldendal 2007.


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Bidrag til danskfagets it-didaktik. Ph.d.-afhandling. Forlaget Ark 2005.

English area

My name is Jeppe Bundsgaard, I hold a PhD in educational theory and IT, and I work as an associate professor of communicative competencies at School of Education, University of Aarhus, Denmark. I work with computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) and curriculum studies in relation to the Danish Subject and related subjects.

In my work with CSCL I have participated in developing a number of platforms such as The Editorial Office, Future City, the Web Parliament, the Dynamic Textbook etc. In the papers section, you will find a number of articles in this area.

In my work related to curriculum theory I am especially concerned with developing a more well-founded basis for the curriculum. In this work I have developed a so-called competence oriented approach to curriculum development. I have written a book together with a number of colleagues and former students called Kompetencer i dansk (Competencies in the Danish Subject). The paper "Facing Faceless Faces" and my research on searching the Internet is in that area of work.

Feel free to contact me:

Papers in English

Bundsgaard, Jeppe; Lindø, Anna Vibeke; Bang, Jørgen Chr. (2012): Communicative competences and language learning in an ecological perspective : The triple contexts of participation and language learning from childhood to adulthood. In: Critical Literacy, Vol. 6, Nr. 1, 2012, p. 46-57.

Bundsgaard, Jeppe (2012): Facing faceless faces : exploring the necessity of new competencies for e-mail and web communication. In Svein Østerud; Barbara Gentikow; Egil G. Skogseth. (ed.). Literacy practices in late modernity: mastering technological and cultural convergences. New York : Hampton Press; Incorporated, 2012. p. 55-73.

Bundsgaard, Jeppe; Hansen, Thomas Illum (2011). Evaluation of learning materials : a holistic framework. In: Journal of Learning Design, Vol. 4, Nr. 4, 2011, s. 31-44.

Bundsgaard, Jeppe (2010). Supporting the processes of teaching and learning : how digital learning platforms support progressive teaching. In: European Conference on e-Learning, Nr. 9, 2010, s. 81-89.

Publiceret: 11-06-2009

Af Jeppe Bundsgaard

Paper presented at CSCL conference 2009

Publiceret: 15-01-2008

Publiceret: 15-01-2008

Publiceret: 15-01-2008

Publiceret: 15-01-2008

Publiceret: 15-01-2008

Publiceret: 15-01-2008

Slides from talks

Publiceret: 11-06-2009

Af Jeppe Bundsgaard

Slides from talk at CSCL 2009

Publiceret: 11-06-2009

Af Thomas Illum Hansen & Jeppe Bundsgaard

Work in progress on a Framework for evaluation of designs for learning. Presented at the NERA Conference 2009.

Publiceret: 11-06-2009

Af Jørgen Chr. Bang , Anna Vibeke Lindø & Jeppe Bundsgaard

A work in progress intending to establish a foundation for a more thorough language and communication education.

Webmaster: Jeppe Bundsgaard
Sidst opdateret: 13-09-2010
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